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Raji: An Ancient Epic Review for Xbox One

I’m a sucker for a great adventure game. They just capture the magic of video games at their best and bring out a sense of wonder we all seem to lose over time. From Nintendo classics like Mario Party, to modern adventures like Breath of the Wild, it’s tough to find a new spin for such a classic genre. Raji: An Ancient Epic, by Nodding Heads Games, found one. Through a combination of excellent fight mechanics, gorgeous visuals, a mystical atmosphere, and the interesting culture of ancient India, this game delivers all you could want for a new adventure. 

Raji: An Ancient Epic Review for Xbox One

Raji: An Ancient Epic follows Raji, as she fights to get her brother back from the demons who separated them, and she is endowed with weapons from the gods to help her conquer her new foes. The core of this game serves as a great emotional base for the story and immerses the player in the compelling story. In addition to the story, the game was gorgeous. The environments, the characters, and even the weapons. Everything carried a hint of mysticism that really added to the atmosphere. I don’t find myself noticing the music in games very often unless it’s Madden ruining another song for me, but the soundtrack for Raji: An Ancient Epic is truly unique. It matches the mysticism and adventure of the rest of the game and helps you carry Raji to her reunite with her brother. 

Raji: An Ancient Epic Review for Xbox One

The maps weren’t just beautiful, they were filled with obstacles that helped add another dimension of difficulty to the game. You climbed on ledges, jumped between floating platforms, climbed columns, and performed acrobatic jumps throughoutThere were even puzzles that served to tell stories from the ancient past and replenished your character’s health. It took a little getting used to all the obstacles, but I found myself really enjoying them once I finally got the hang of it.

In addition to the acrobatics of navigating the map, the fight mechanics were fantastic. Your primary weapon is a magic staff bestowed to Raji that can shoot lightning, let out blasts of pure magic, and kill any demons in your path. Throughout your journey, there are a number of different classes of demons to help change up the fight dynamics. I was able to take care of the middle size demons that carried clubs pretty easily, but their counterparts that shot green energy blasts from their mouths killed me more times than I care to admit.  

Raji: An Ancient Epic Review for Xbox One

My only complaint in this fantastic game is that there is no system for controlling the camera. In a lot of situations, this didn’t hinder gameplay much, but there were obstacles, particularly climbable columns, where the inability to adjust the camera made it difficult to judge distance. This cost me a few lives unfortunately, but it was easy to forget this one complaint in a game this great. 

Raji: An Ancient Epic Review for Xbox One

Overall, I couldn’t have been more impressed with Raji: An Ancient EpicIt brought a bit of the Nintendo feel to the Xbox One while managing to feel like a game unlike any I have played in a long time. Everything works in perfect harmony to create a fantastic adventure through ancient India that is definitely a worthy of joining your game collection. Good luck putting this game down. 


Check Out the Raji: An Ancient Epic Launch Trailer:

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  • Taylor Tyler

    My first console was the original Playstation and I would play Twisted Metal every now and then but games didn't hook me until I played the original Halo at my friend's house. As soon as I picked up that controller, I knew I needed an Xbox and I had to have that game. Since those early Halo days, I've branched out and played any game I could find with a great story and memorable characters but Master Chief is still my favorite. @thenotoriousTGT on Twitter

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