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Randall New Screenshots and Video Released

Randall New Screenshots and Video Released

We The Force Studios has released new screenshots and video for Randall.

Set in a dystopian world that doesn’t seem like a departure from our own future, society is content living under the constant surveillance and absolute power of a malicious dictator. In this police state players take on the role of Randall, a powerful telepath with a touch of schizophrenia. His abilities allow him to control and play as every single character on screen, seamlessly swapping between them and exploiting every power that they have.

andall New Screenshots and Video Released


  • Fun and Challenging Platformer – Extremely tight controls and old-school difficulty make for a very explosive brawling platformer that will test the combat and puzzle skills of any gamer.
  • Mental Power – Use physic abilities to manipulate enemies into doing what you want them to do.
  • Playing as the Bad GuysRandall can take control of every opponent in the game, which means enemy weapons and abilities are at your disposal. However, taking over minds will have you see the world in a whole different light.
  • Intuitive Fighting System – When the mind needs a rest players can use brute strength with a sophisticated array of fighting skills to beat foes into compliance

Here is the new video:

Randall is in development for PS4, PS Vita and PC (Steam).

Source: Press Release

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