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REVIEW for Coast Guard on PC

REVIEW for Coast Guard on PC

This is Gaming Cypher’s PC review for Coast Guard by Bavarian developer team, Reality Twist.

In Coast Guard, you will play as Coast Guard officer, Finn Asdair, aboard your rescue vessel, Daniel Defoe. Right off the bat, the developer will have helpful tips pop up in order for you to learn the basic mechanics of the game. We really liked the steering wheel option on the bottom right hand side of the screen, which you can use instead of the W, A, S, D keys.

REVIEW for Coast Guard on PC

You will be challenged with many investigation missions (more so than driving the ship) and a rich story all throughout. We must alert you that you should not expect a GTA-type of a game with graphics and mechanics, but rather a more basic and fun game with a great story line. While we appreciated the great investigative situations throughout the game, we did not enjoy some of the choppiness of moving around. For the first hour or so of the game, we were sometimes left wondering what to do or how to do it. There is a Mission Log, which lets you know what you are currently doing, but that didn’t always help us out.

For example, during one of the first boat rescues, our mission was to pump the water out of the boat in trouble while investigating its captain for any ill-doing. Once we were hooked up to the boat, we just stood there and wondered what to do. The log stated to talk to our crew members, but we just didn’t know how. Finally, after pressing several buttons on the keyboard, hoping to hit the right one, we learned that by pressing F5, it will get you into First Person view and will take you from watching the ocean into the inside of your ship.

REVIEW for Coast Guard on PC

We appreciated the interaction between  the characters. You’ll have the ability to transmit your conversations through a radio. You will also scavenge for items that you’ll be able to pull out of your inventory and drop where needed. Just make sure to pay attention to conversations and remember what they stated because you will need the information in order to progress.

We like the concept and the potential is great. Coast Guard is fun, but needs a bit of work in order to make it a seamless and smooth experience.

Here is the official trailer:

We give Coast Guard a 3.5/5

COAST GUARD is available on Steam and other download platforms for $17.99.


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