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Ryse: Son of Rome Duel of Fates Add-On Pack Available Today

Crytek has released the third downloadable content add-on pack, Duel of Fates, for Ryse: Son of Rome.

The new add-on pack features two new arena mode maps in Invictus and Barbarous, and a survival map titled “Island.” In addition, players will be able to access two new gladiator skins for their combatants, both taken from Ryse: Son of Rome’s single-player campaign: Glott the barbarian chief, and Ryse protagonist Marius Titus.

Justin Robey, Senior Producer at Microsoft, says that the new maps are a type of “Roman Holodeck.”

“We tell stories with our maps.”

Take a look at the new Duel of Fates screenshots below:


You can get the new Duel of Fates content on Xbox One as part of the Ryse: Son of Rome season pass for $19.99, or as a standalone pack for $8.99. What did you think?

Source: Xbox Wire

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