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Sheltered New Bloodlines Update & Video

Sheltered New Bloodlines Update & Video

Games industry veteran Team17 has announced that Unicube’s Sheltered has a new Bloodlines update and video.

Here is the Sheltered Bloodline video:

Here are the full Sheltered Bloodline Update notes:

New Features

  • New Scenario: Family Ties – A new scenario has been added which on completion allows the players to locate and recruit additional family members
  • New Quests

o   The Sickness

o   The Doll

o   Arms Dealer

o   On the Road Again (reclaim the RV quest, will only appear on fresh saves)

  • New HUD element to distinguish family members from recruited outsiders
  • New sound effects added for character actions
  • Weapon descriptions now include stats on damage, accuracy and required strength to wield
  • New tips added to loading screen
  • Bedrock now visible beneath bottom floor of fully expanded shelter
  • Added Kickstarter backer likenesses NPCs that walk across the top of the shelter
  • Added zoom function for the mouse wheel
  • Able to discard items from storage

Changes and Balancing

  • The ‘Good Shower’ has been moved to Tier 3 of the work bench
  • “Ending” catatonic characters has been removed
  • Characters will now abandon shelter instead of going catatonic for second time
  • ‘Valium’ has been renamed ‘Relaxant’
  • Tool are now less frequently found at locations
  • Petrol is now less frequently found at locations
  • ‘Super Impatient’ quest has been renamed ‘Super Impatient Guy’
  • Character customisation interface now occupies less of the screen
  • Updated the way the encounter system works out if a trade/recruit/bully attempt is successful or not
  • Disloyal characters can now be selected after recruitment, but remain automated until loyalty is 33%
  • Player can now harvest trapped animals despite freezers being full
  • Players can assign tasks to recruited characters immediately without improving loyalty
  • Flies now appear over shelter mess (empty cans, vomit etc.)
  • Increased the time between quest and scenario spawns
  • Snare traps now have a sound effect when an animal is caught

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with intruders becoming stuck during a breach
  • Breaching NPCs will no longer get stuck climbing ladders
  • The camera can no longer be moved before the tutorial starts
  • UI pop has been added informing player when trade cannot be completed
  • Factions now spawn in a set order; Scalpers, Matriarchs, Marauders, The Corp
  • Obsolete button prompt removed from pause menu in encounters
  • Reduced the spawn frequency of petrol at houses and farms
  • Oxygen filter audio no longer plays when no power is supplied
  • Animation added when getting water for a catatonic character
  • Defend animation no longer plays twice in combat
  • Character no longer say they haven’t left the shelter in a few days if an expedition is on-going
  • NPC refusing trades will no longer stop character from exploring a location
  • Audio added when crafting a shelter room
  • Added construction sprites for the sleeping bag
  • Changed the efficient shower icon in the workbench to match the object
  • Changed the efficient shower sprite
  • Added ‘under construction’ symbol for objects under construction.
  • Added construction sprites to toybox
  • Added name and descriptions to the door upgrades
  • Changed the upgrading time from 1 second to 15 seconds for the shelter doors
  • Changed trade value of books, toys and records to 25 from 50
  • Added construction sprites to the mop
  • Added construction sprites for the jukebox
  • Incoming transmission sound effect now plays 3 times instead of once per transmission
  • Added audio for when character use ladders
  • Hazmat suits are now returned to the rack when the corpse wearing one is harvested, incinerated or buried
  • Updated the small water butt icon
  • Changed the background of the incinerator panel to match the other interfaces
  • The punchbag no longer loses integrity when a character tries to use it if they are too tired
  • Objects on fire now causes the object’s integrity to decrease
  • Added audio to the punch bag when being used
  • Added sounds when character gain trauma and loyalty
  • Audio for the generator and oxygen filter change as they get upgraded
  • Added ability to view map by pressing M on the keyboard or the View button on the Xbox One controller
  • Fast forward audio no longer remains on when fast forward has stopped
  • Added sound effect for refuelling generator
  • Owned number of meat now correctly reflects the amount of meat in the shelter storage
  • Fixed 5:4 aspect ratio so it no longer cuts of some UI
  • Characters are now correctly awarded XP for killing an enemy with a counter-attack
  • Quests locations can now be visited once per expedition
  • Medicate option for indoor pets has been removed
  • Spike trap no longer resets it position when the game is loaded
  • Added animation for characters using the jukebox
  • Added animation for characters cleaning the bucket toilet
  • Added animation for characters adding parts to the RV
  • Characters in automation no longer use objects in their burnt out state
  • The journal now creates a day 1 entry if the game is exited at the end of the tutorial
  • The repair icon now appears above objects when they are at 25% integrity
  • Can no longer catch rats when moving rat traps in rearrange shelter mode
  • Extinguishing a single fire no longer causes characters to slide towards a second fire
  • Tooltips now only appear once per game
  • Corpses can now only be interacted with by one character stopping characters from carrying around body bags
  • Fixed the cursor from being hidden when players had certain items plugged into their computers
  • Rain audio now stops when it is no longer raining
  • The back button text is now centred on the button in the leaderboards
  • Added audio to snare traps when animals are caught in them
  • Characters on expeditions now take less trauma from deaths of characters in the shelter
  • Adding a lock icon to the backpack space when going on an expedition with the RV
  • Can no longer loot animal for weapons
  • Can no longer disarm or steal from animals in combat
  • Enemies no longer reset level after saving and loading
  • Characters now use the correct colour scheme in the map and encounter resolved UI instead of using character 1’s colour scheme
  • Able to add more than 5 water into the last trade slot when trading at the shelter
  • Updated the amount of cursor nudge for d-pad object movement
  • Changed the default speed for characters on expeditions
  • Characters no longer appear incorrectly on ladders if the game is save/loaded when multiple characters are cued up to use a ladder
  • Characters can now remove hazmat suits from corpses
  • A message box now appears when the last character is going to be sent on an expedition
  • Background added to the office complex location
  • Characters now become hardened after killing multiple NPCs
  • NPCs can no longer leave the shelter wearing hazmat suits if their stress is too high
  • Characters who died in combat no longer increase stats if they killed an NPC in the same combat
  • An error message now appears if the game is unable to set at the requested resolution
  • When doors are upgraded, the room between is now updated to match the doors
  • When the horse dies, the stable and saddle can no longer be crafted
  • If the stable is built as the horse dies, the items are now refunded
  • Added activity pane text if a character is killed by a snake bite
  • ‘Not enough room’ tooltip no longer appears multiple times if rations cannot fit into the pantry
  • Updated the description of resistance upgrades for the oxygen filter
  • Updated the small pantry sprites so when there is no food, it shows an empty sprite
  • Characters no longer appear behind each other when walking off screen with the horse
  • Multiple tools can now be in the shelter storage
  • The horse now visually returns from an expedition properly
  • The horse can no longer die from radiation poisoning during the tutorial
  • The horse no longer appears behind the hatch when crafting a stable when the horse in on an expedition
  • The horse now saves/loads correctly while on an expedition
  • Updated the construction sprites for shelter rooms
  • Loading when the camper van is going on an expedition no longer shows the incorrect camper van sprite
  • Characters now have dialogue when in encounters started by NPCs
  • Characters can no longer interact with objects that are being moved
  • Animation added for characters using the bucket toilet
  • Can no longer pause the game during the game over screen
  • The delay before recruits turn up at the shelter is now based on the party’s speed and distance from the shelter
  • Added console button prompts to the pause menu
  • If the ‘Super Irritating Guy’ quest is refused, the NPC will ambush you instead of attacking you after the encounter
  • ‘Tier 5’ of the workbench has been renamed to ‘Special’
  • Added a missing apostrophe into a day 1 Journal entry
  • Added a backing panel to the continue button on the game over screen
  • Changed the amount of meat gained from harvesting pets
  • Answering transmissions will no longer disable returning parties
  • Names of cities on the map have been changed so that location can be seen easier
  • Changed the hardware store map icon so it has its own unique icon
  • Changed the map cursor when using a controller
  • Changed the map waypoint flag size
  • Changed the name of the Small Water Butt from “Water Tank” to “Small Water Butt”
  • Updated the tooltip text for the incinerator
  • Updated the position of the title on the 2nd child’s customisation screen
  • Toilets no longer lose integrity if they try to be used with no water
  • Infections have a higher chance of being contracted when health is low instead of being random
  • Infections now clear up after 7 days
  • Faction members now have names
  • Expedition party and dog will no longer become stuck if dog eats a rat prior to departing shelter
  • Snake can no longer kill an expedition party member as they are leaving causing the expedition party to become stuck
  • Can no longer send and un-loyal character on an expedition if another character in the party was loyal
  • The camera will no longer become displaced if a transmission is accepted in rearrange mode
  • Meat will now transfer between freezers if one is deconstructed providing the meat is not rotten
  • Updated the opening line of dialogue for the “Protection Racket” scenario.
  • Fixed the good shower, efficient shower, luxury shower and good toilet so they display correctly and become transparent when re-arranging
  • Updated the radio scanning time to 150 seconds from 300.
  • Added body armour to the “Wetwork” NPC
  • Updated the expedition loadout screen to order the items with weapons, equipment, armour, bags and ammo listed first
  • Updated the crafting panel so it shows the correct amount of “Owned” objects
  • Updated the description of the X button on the leaderboard panel. It now says “Time” instead of “Next”
  • Changes to radio scanning to help results remain balanced
  • Updated the snare trap harvest panel to tell the player when some items were not harvested
  • Updated the snare trap to show a panel when harvested
  • Widened the text box for the “Take All” text as it was not big enough to fit “Take All” on a single line
  • Updated the amount of waypoints that can be placed on the map to 50
  • Changed how XP is calculated for books and toys
  • Also added some speech for adults trying to use the toy chest and children trying to use the bookshelf
  • Updated some dialogue for the “Well This Is Awkward” quest
  • Updated the tabs background sprite on the ammo press panel and lab panel, to remove rogue shadow
  • Updated camper van travel speed and carrying capacity
  • The ‘Super Irritating Guy’ quest options now appear correctly when missing necessary items
  • Single bed will no longer spontaneously combust on its own
  • Updated the names of the makeshift toilet and good shower to include their quality prefix
  • Faction controlled area now appear correctly on the map (Xbox One only)

Sheltered is now available on Steam Early Access ($8.99 at 40% discount) and you can try it out for free at the Xbox Store.

Related: Unicube’s SHELTERED Combat, Quests & Scenarios Update is Now Live

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