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Shoumetsu Toshi (Disappeared City) Launches for Mobile in Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau

Shoumetsu Toshi (Disappeared City) Launches for Mobile in Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau

TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 2, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — GigaMedia Limited (NASDAQ: GIGM) announced today that it released the mobile game Shoumetsu Toshi (Disappeared City) for iOS and Android devices.

GigaMedia has exclusive rights to operate Shoumetsu Toshi in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, and the game is the first of several titles planned for 2016 to expand GigaMedia’s online game business with mobile games.

Shoumetsu Toshi is a free-to play game mixed among drama, parkour (side-scrolling action), and role-playing game (RPG). The game was created by Japan-based game developer Wright Flyer Studios which is owned by GREE, Inc. and launched in May 2014 in Japan. It has been downloaded over 6 million times since its launch according to its official site. It not only won the awards of best action and RPG strategy games in Japanese App Store and on Google Play, but also Japanese Google Play best game of 2014.

“We believe Shoumetsu Toshi is a strong title. It has remained popular even two years after its original release in Japan. The fascinating story and music attract more players, both male and female. We expect Shoumetsu Toshi will lead us to another success after Yume100, which accords with our statement in first quarter announcement- adding new revenue streams from our licensed products.” Stated GigaMedia Limited Chief Executive Officer Collin Hwang.

About GigaMedia

Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, GigaMedia Limited (Singapore registration number: 199905474H) is a diversified provider of online games and cloud computing services. GigaMedia’s online games business is an innovative leader in Asia with growing game development, distribution and operation capabilities, as well as platform services for games; focus is on mobile games and social casino games. The company’s cloud computing business is focused on providing enterprises in Greater China with critical communications services and IT solutions that increase flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness. More information on GigaMedia can be obtained from

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