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SimCity Details Mods

SimCity Lead Gameplay Scripter, Guillaume Pierre, talked about several SimCity Mods.

SimCity Details Mods


Specifically, Pierre talked about the following Mods: The Extended Worker Data Mod – adds 3 bars to the civic, commercial and industrial buildings rollovers that gives you just that information and will also help you make informed decisions in regards to zoning for residential buildings. The Closer Road Guides Mod – tightens the distance tuning for road guides, so streets and avenues get placed closer to each other when using guides. As a result, there is very little empty space in the back of each building, so you can get more houses into your city. The Purple Line in Industrial Tech Map Mod – takes the pink and purple lines that go from colleges and universities and directs them to factories and certain power plants that appear in the Industrial Tech Map. This is helpful to predict which factories are going to get skill first, and which ones are going to upgrade next. You can read up more details on the official SimCity Blog page and you can also take a look at the SimCity offline tutorial video here.

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Source: SimCity

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