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SOEDESCO Attends the Steam Game Festival with Truck Driver Plus Kaze and the Wild Masks

With Kaze and the Wild Masks’ brand-new demo and the first three missions of Truck Driver, players get a sneak peek of the full games

SOEDESCO Attends the Steam Game Festival with Truck Driver Plus Kaze and the Wild Masks

Rotterdam, The Netherlands – October 7, 2020 – SOEDESCO is present at the Steam Game Festival – Autumn Edition. They’ve announced free to try demos of trucking experience, Truck Driver, and 90’s inspired platformer, Kaze and the Wild Masks. From today, October 7 until October 13, players can try out these unreleased games on Steam and talk with SOEDESCO and the developers to share their thoughts. The brand-new Kaze and the Wild Masks demo lets players journey through the first world with a more polished level design, performance improvements and an overall enhanced player experience. Truck Driver’s demo consists of the first three missions that give a glimpse into the full game, which has over 50 story missions and an endless supply of repeatable missions. 

Since both games are currently in development, everything is still subject to change. This means community feedback can help shape the future of these games. Besides a Steam version, Kaze and the Wild Masks will also make its way to Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia. Truck Driver released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One last year and will also come to Nintendo Switch and Steam. With the free to try demos, players can go for worry-free trucking in Truck Driver and hop their way through the Crystal Islands in Kaze and the Wild Masks

Related: SOEDESCO Collaborates with Kokku to work on TRUCK DRIVER

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