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Something Wicked this Way Comes as ALL SAINTS’ WAKE Returns to FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE

Something Wicked this Way Comes as ALL SAINTS’ WAKE Returns to FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE

All the Twelveswood Trembles at the Howl of the Wolf

LOS ANGELES (October 19, 2017) – FINAL FANTASY XIV Online players are set for a spooky encounter this Halloween as the Continental Circus returns for All Saints’ Wake. Intrepid adventurers that make their way to the woods of Gridania between October 19 and November 1 will be able to meet a traveler from distant lands and find out just why he has ventured such a long way.

As part of the in-game event, players will be able to earn a unique outfit for their character and collect a range of spooky items.

Something even scarier lurks on the horizon, however, with the release of Patch 4.11 on October 24. This update will introduce the Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), which promises to require even more determination than “Extreme” and “Savage” difficulty battles.

The FINAL FANTASY XIV Free Trial beckons new players to join the millions of adventurers in the realm of Eorzea. The free trial allows anyone to access all available content up to level 35, create up to eight playable characters, and experience the different playable races, classes, and jobs with no restrictions on playtime. New players who wish to experience the free trial may register here:

All editions of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, including the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood expansion, may be purchased through the Square Enix Online Store here:

Related: Return to Ivalice Today in FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood Patch 4.1

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