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Spellweaver Masters Championship Guaranteed $2000 Each Month

Spellweaver Masters Championship Guaranteed $2000 Each Month

Developer Dream Reactor is proud to announce the start of their pro-gaming competitive scene, the

Spellweaver Masters Championship
(Monthly $2000 Prize Pool Guaranteed)

The Masters Championship is Spellweaver’s official professional tournament series.Qualifications are held each month, and on the first weekend of the following month comes the culmination – the Masters Championship Finals with a prize pool of at least $2000. Read the official news announcement here.

Expect a full scheme of the new tournament system supporting the Spellweaver Masters Championship in the following week. The first qualification round starts on May 10th, 2016. You can check for more details in this blog post.

On May 10 the developer is also opening the

Spellweaver Masters Fund

Players will be able to support their favorite Spellweaver champions and the development of the game by making a donation to the Spellweaver Masters Fund. 50% of all donations will be added to the Masters Championship Final’s prize pool, and the rest will cover payment fees and support the game’s development.

This is a big step for the project and Dream Reactor is hopeful that it will help Spellweaver grow into a true eSport. Are you excited as they are? Please, spread the word around the world!

Gaming Cypher has Spellweaver Steam keys to give away so give us a shout and we’ll send it out to you while supplies last.

Related: Spellweaver Localization and Friend Referral Program Now Available

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