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Spin Rhythm XD Preview on Steam

Spin Rhythm XD is a new rhythm game by Super Spin Digital. In preparation for their grand release on October 22, 2019 via Steam Early Access, humbled gamers such as myself are granted the opportunity to play it and impart some valuable gamer wisdom as to what can be improved.

Spin Rhythm XD Preview on Steam

Using certain controls to effectively spin, tap, and move to the beat of some of the most incredible electronic music, Spin Rhythm XD is a stark contrast to previous rhythm games.

After some playing, I’ve concluded my findings on what the game exceeds in, and what it ultimately needs improvement on. 



  • Its greatest strength is its music selection, which as aforementioned, mostly happens to be electronic. Not all the artists are established enough to be considered incredibly well-known, but that just adds to the game’s freshness.
  • Even if one is not too fond of EDM, the songs are entertaining enough to keep almost any player’s attention. Admittedly, the music was so good that I looked up each music artist as soon as I finished their song.


  • If a player is not particularly fond of electronic music, then this game will probably get old rather quickly, since its selection is small and not very varied.

One might argue that the beats are far too complex and quick for beginner players and/or players who are less musically coordinated.

Spin Rhythm XD Preview on Steam



  • Amazing, flowing graphics that are intended to make the player’s experience otherworldly.
  • The graphics run so colorfully and crisp, that the feeling is almost reminiscent of experiencing the revolutionary beauty that was the graphics of rhythm games when they first came out.


  • May become overwhelming for some users who are especially sensitive to bright, fast moving colors, which only intensify in accordance to the beat.
  • The marks at which you are meant to hit are visually off beat by one — so just when you think you are hitting each mark perfectly, you’re actually late. Which unsurprisingly, puts a huge damper on the gameplay experience. There is a way to “calibrate” your controller so that this happens less, but after several calibrations, it continues to be off.
Spin Rhythm XD Preview on Steam



  • Spin Rhythm XD is new, interesting, and stimulating. It undoubtedly will set a new standard for future rhythm games.
  • The controllers are simple and straightforward. One may use their mouse + keyboard, or a MIDI controller for that authentic DJ feel. It’s a hot take on arrow-based rhythm games.


  • Even with the simplicity of the controllers, gameplay gets difficult a bit too quickly. The tutorial, which introduces how the controls are to be used, is demonstrated on an easy, slow-paced song; but playing any other song is like jumping into the deep end of a pool while knowing only the very basics of swimming. Players may benefit more if the difference in difficulty wasn’t so enormous between the tutorial and normal mode.
  • Spin Rhythm XD would also benefit if it wasn’t so largely mouse based, as space can quickly become an issue for the player, especially if they are on a trackpad. However, since one has the choice to use a MIDI controller instead of a mouse, this might help the player’s control in gameplay significantly. Though, this might not be as much of an improvement for gamers who are unable to obtain a MIDI.

Reviewer’s opinion:

Really, the main issue I found was that Spin Rhythm XD is very dependent on the player being aware of the position of the spinner. There are moments when the player loses their color awareness of the spinner when performing a spinning move, which poses an issue when a color is required to be tapped right after. I figured out how to fix this flaw – the developers made the spinner end up on the color that is meant to be tapped next for the sake of flow and convenience, but this reveals not very useful anyway, as this does not happen for non-tap colors.

Spin Rhythm XD is without a doubt going to be a revolutionary hit within the rhythm game community upon its release. Really, its improvement needs to be focused on convenience of controls and assuring that the visual marks are on beat. Once that’s fixed, it’ll be sure to secure a place in classic rhythm games among gamers.

Check Out the Spin Rhythm XD Trailer:

You can wishlist Spin Rhythm XD for PC right now via Steam Early Access.

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I am an arts and sciences student always looking for new games to sink most of my time into. Some of my favorite series include Ace Attorney, Final Fantasy, Shin Megami Tensei, and Persona. Don't hesitate to reach out for some friendly gamer banter.

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