Gaming Cypher

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Star Wars Battlefront II Impressions of Where are those Droidekas? Update

Remember back a few weeks ago when I wrote about how Star Wars Battlefront II has come back to the dead with a new life unforeseen even at its release? Things just got better! A few days ago marks the long awaited Where are Those Droidekas? Update. Including, but not limited to, the Droideka, the TX-130 clone tank, the General Skywalker skin, and the Theed Palace Capital Supremacy map. This is a massive update to kick start the summer. For full details, check out the release notes, as well as the release video. This is where the fun begins!

Related: Star Wars Battlefront II: Return of the JeDICE

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Your local neighborhood nutjob, gamer, and teacher! I'm an avid fan of many genres such as platformers, shooters, horror, etc. I am also an avid tabletop gamer - hugely into the worlds of Warhammer and all of their spinoffs. I'm a big believer in being objective - even if something is not my cup of tea, I want to talk about it on the objective level - is it well made, crafted with love, and with care for the fans? If so, that's a good game in my book for someone and well worth their hard earned dollarydoos!

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