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Star Wars: The Old Republic Shadow of Revan New Video

BioWare has released a new video for the Shadow of Revan, an all new digital expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

SWTOR Shadow of Revan Gaming Cypher 3

Revan has returned. Prepare to face Revan and his fanatical followers as you adventure through five new levels of story-driven Star Wars™ missions, reach new heights of power at an increased level cap of 60, explore exciting worlds and fight in new high-level Flashpoints and Operations in the Digital Expansion, Shadow of Revan, launching December 9th!

Pre-Order now to get Early Access, a 12xXP Boost (Subscriber Exclusive) and the Grand Statue of Revan.

Take a look at the new video below:

Are you excited about the new expansion?

Related: Star Wars: the Old Republic Shadow of Revan, an All-New Digital Expansion

Source: SWTOR

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