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STAY Review for PlayStation 4

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

STAY is a single player game by developer Appnormals Team, and it falls under the genre of Adventure / Strategy. 

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

The Premise of the game is simple you are the only hope to help a character named Quinn. At the beginning of the game, Quinn finds himself locked in a room.

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

And the only thing he has available to the outside world is a computer with a chat room that you are in. Which brings me to the gameplay – the gameplay is very simple – you read a lot, and I mean a lot of text from Quinn!

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

After a lot of random text from Quinn, you are given the opportunity to respond and try to help him along. And you are given either two or three options at most as to what you can say to him. Which if you choose the wrong thing or less supportive option well he will throw an epic temper tantrum that would put your two your old to same, and then he will proceed to destroy his one only tool to the outside world.

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

This is not the only thing that can set him off, the game requires you to stay connected with him.

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

To the point that it keeps track of the time that you are away from him and how long you Stayed with him. If you are gone for too long he will end your conversation and you guessed it destroy the computer. He has severe attachment issues,

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

and often speaks in circles. Sometimes the random things he says have a meaning other times its just wasted words. As you try to work your way through his emotions you are also faced with puzzles that the game throws at you as you progress through the game’s storyline.

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

Some of these puzzles have a system that can be worked out with a little time, effort and out of the box thinking.

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

Other puzzles are so complex that you either have to have a universal masters degree or lots of google searches to learn new languages and skills. I don’t know if some of these puzzles were random bits of knowledge found online or if they were just showing off how smart they are. But to have hints that are in Greek, and Chinese seems a bit excessive. I do love puzzles, don’t get me wrong but, there is a point where you start to alienate your audience.   

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

If you are interested in playing a game where you help a character work through an emotional breakdown and complex puzzles this game is for you.  I think the game did a great job at showing a character that is dealing with some heavy emotional scares and baggage. But as for a game that you would play to just enjoy and get away from life for a bit this is not that. The game deals with some heavy emotions and subjects, and if you are dealing with some intense things in your life, you should wait to play this game.

STAY Review for PlayStation 4

If you need help or someone to talk to please seek help.

TheHopeLine (866-231-3754)

I would not recommend this game.

Check Out the STAY Trailer:

STAY is available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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