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STRANGERS – AWAKEN Cross-Genre, Cross-Platform Magic Battle Royale Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

STRANGERS – AWAKEN Cross-Genre, Cross-Platform Magic Battle Royale Needs Your Support on Kickstarter

Palo Alto, CAStrangers-Awaken, a magic battle royale with the best from BR and RPG, launches on Kickstarter.  

Most gamers are sick of similar games, pay to win, gacha system, low quality mobile experience, and too much grinding. That’s why this small indie team has been developing their own game – Strangers-Awaken. Strangers-Awaken is a fast paced, no compromise, cross-genre, cross-platform magic battle-royale. It combines the best of RPG and BR and will be heading to PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android. (PS4, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch as a stretch goal)

As Ryan Kwak, CEO of Uriverse, says:

“There have been countless games ruined after outside influences, especially after their goal shifted to making a profit. Thus we have decided to start a Kickstarter campaign on May 15, 2019. In Addition, we are looking for a strong feedback channel and hope to build a strong community through the Kickstarter campaign.  We want to build the game with the community together! ”

Key Features:

  • Magic Battle Royale—it combines the best of BR and RPG. Like an RPG, you need to raise your character level, unlock parts of a skill tree, complete missions, loot items, and brew your own magic using items. You will use the magic during battles.
  • A fast-paced, 15 minute match—you need to defeat all enemies and take their items, while still looting magic items and evading incessant magic attacks
  • Speed and Tension—unlike other BR games, you can see and evade their magic projectiles. Enjoy the thrill of dodging a projectile by just a hair
  • Brewing your own magic based on your battle style—you will not only loot magic in real time but also bring your own magic brewed in advance
  • No compromise cross-platform—you can enjoy SA anywhere and anytime on various platforms like PC, Mac, Linux, and mobile with ultra-high quality—even on mobile
  • No random factors—SA requires your tactical decisions, shrewd strategy, polished control, and skills in brewing magic
  • Practical and actually meaningful prizes—you can actually keep the items that you have looted during the battle after the match
  • Be brave, not cowardly—just being the last survivor won’t be rewarded much
  • No pay to win system

Check Out the Strangers  – Awaken Kickstarter Trailer:

The backers will receive Kickstarter exclusive magics, closed Alpha/Beta test access keys, etc… based on their pledge tier. The campaign lasts until Jun 14th.

You can head on over to the Strangers-Awaken campaign right now on Kickstarter.  

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