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Super Sami Roll Now Available for PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch

Check Out the Super Sami Roll PlayStation 5 Trailer:

Super Sami Roll, the upbeat 3D platformer created by Sonzai Games and published by X PLUS, has launched on PlayStation 5 and Switch.

Inspired by ’80s and ’90s platformers like Marble Madness and Super Monkey Ball where players roll a ball through beautiful game worlds, Super Sami Roll effortlessly delivers the high-rise thrills, rolling hills, and adorable characters reminiscent of gaming’s golden days. The game’s console versions are a match for the original Steam release – and the Nintendo Switch port runs at a silky-smooth 60 frames per second.

In Super Sami Roll, you need to get through 12 fun-filled hours of content to help Sami rescue his friend Vera from a meanie who calls himself “Albert VII.” Cruise past beautiful green fields, deserts dotted with magnificent pyramids, dangerous oozing volcanoes, frigid ice lands, and many other memorable places to take Albert VII down a peg … or two (yep, Albert V sounds about right!). Grappling hooks? That’s so 2020. In this game, you get a grappling tongue to get out of sticky situations!

“Finally! Being on a Nintendo console and Sony’s PlayStation 5 is a dream come true for someone like me, who grew up in the ’90s. We spent quite a bit of time making sure it controls superbly whether you play with Nintendo’s Joy-Cons, the Pro Controller, or Sony’s DualSense. Super Sami Roll is very much a console game at heart.”

–  Sergio Matta (CEO and Lead Developer, Sonzai Games)

Super Sami Roll Now Available for PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch

Super Sami Roll Key Features:

  • Picturesque world: Explore eye-catching environments and meet memorable characters
  • Level variety: Play through dozens upon dozens of unique levels!
  • 2D and 3D: Painstakingly hand-crafted pixel art meets modern 3D graphics
  • Secrets galore: Tons of secrets – including awesome unlockables like a multiplayer mode!
  • Easy to learn, tough to master: Progressive difficulty with a hearty challenge
  • Sami in style: Customize your character to your heart’s content
  • Musical delights: Upbeat soundtrack – check!

Super Sami Roll is now available on the PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch for $14.99 – and the Xbox Series S/X port will be released in the near future. The game is also available on Steam. (Check Out Our Review!) 

Related: Super Sami Roll Review for Steam

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Super Sami Roll Now Available for PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch

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