Kyoto-based company, Arzest, supervised and directed Yoshi's New Island. In an interview with Nintendo Life, Producer Takahashi Tezuka (Super Mario Galaxy 2 and...
Below you can find the Nintendo download details for Europe for March 6, a day later than usual due to...
Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, would like for his country to learn from Nintendo. Specifically, Abe gave the example of how...
Nintendo's President, Satoru Iwata, has written a letter to its shareholders and investors. Iwata insists that Nintendo needs to...
Nintendo Life has compiled the list of today's North American Nintendo downloads. Below you'll find today's list of Nintendo...
Nintendo share holder, Seth Fischer, has written a letter to Nintendo President, Satoru Iwata, stating that he would like to see...
Nintendo has announced that it will be ending DS and Wii online multiplayer in May. Specifically, the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection...
Last week Nintendo spotted a leaked Toys “R” Us Free Pokémon X Or Pokémon Y promo in which new 3DS...