Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls was showcased earlier today by David Cage at the Eurogamer Expo. You can watch the...
DC Comics and Warner Bros. Games have released a new trailer for Batman: Arkham Origins featuring Deathstroke Challenge Pack Gameplay....
Konami has released several new direct-feed videos for Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain showing off the specially-constructed Tokyo...
In accordance with Cowen & Company analyst, Doug Creutz, Grand Theft Auto 5 sales have likely surpassed 15 million units...
Batman: Arkham Origins received a new PlayStation exclusive Knightfall Pack and received a new trailer showing off the Batman skins:...
Some players using older Xbox 360 models have complained that Grand Theft Auto 5 causes their consoles to crash. Below...
Konami has released several new screenshots for Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. You can view the new screens below: You...
Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto said that should the company decide to develop another game in the Metroid series, Retro Studios will...