Today Telltale Games is excited to share the official launch trailer for Batman: The Enemy Within, a new five-part episodic...
BATMAN – The Telltale Series
BATMAN - The Telltale Series' Season Finale Out December 13th; Episode 1 Now Free on Steam Today Telltale Games can announce...
Today Telltale Games has unveiled an all-new launch trailer and the release date for BATMAN - The Telltale Series Episode 4: 'Guardian...
Episode 1 Now FREE on Select Platforms Today Telltale Games can announce the release of BATMAN - The Telltale Series Episode...
Today Telltale Games can unveil an all-new launch trailer for BATMAN - The Telltale Series Episode 3: 'New World Order'. The third...
TodayTelltale Games unveiled the release date for BATMAN - The Telltale Series Episode 3: 'New World Order.' The third of five...
Today leading and award-winning developer and publisher of digital entertainment Telltale Games, in partnership with Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and...
Episode 2: Children of Arkham makes its digital debut on September 20th Leading and award-winning developer and publisher of digital...