Summoners War: Sky Arena has released two powerful new monsters from Japanese folklore: Onimusha, who wields a deadly sharp...
The new year is bringing in more ways to battle in Skylanders Ring of Heroes, the mobile team turn-based RPG. All-new content including... Update adds new area, monsters, items, challenges, gifts, and more for Summoners this month It’s time for virtual and...
The latest real-time strategy game from publisher Com2uS is now on track to launch in 2021 Summoners War: Lost...
Elite Summoners War players from around the world prepare for remote World Finals as unexpected rookies set to challenge experienced... Enchantingly beautiful story-driven mobile RPG and visual novel, Wannabe Challenge, is now available for iOS and Android. Published by Com2uS and...
LOS ANGELES - South Korean mobile game developer and publisher, Com2uS, has acquired a 100% ownership stake in Out of...
Wannabe Challenge features a beautiful storyline and a South Korean aesthetic - pre-registrations begin today with a special social media...