CD PROJEKT RED has released the latest trailer for Cyberpunk 2077, their upcoming open-world, action-adventure RPG. The trailer (seen...
Cyberpunk 2077 CD PROJEKT RED announces the upcoming release of limited-edition, Cyberpunk 2077-inspired Xbox One X console. Created in collaboration... CD PROJEKT RED announces the start of the 'Cyber-up Your PC' contest, inviting community members from across the world...
As this year comes to an end, gamers all over the world wonder what developers have in store for them... A brand new look at Cyberpunk 2077 in action is here! CD PROJEKT RED presents Cyberpunk 2077 Deep... Gamers will be able to enjoy the immersive first-person RPG, Cyberpunk 2077, its mature narrative, and cutting-edge visuals across...
CD PROJEKT RED announces plans on Cyberpunk 2077's presence at this year's gamescom, taking place August 20th - 24th in Cologne, Germany....
CD PROJEKT RED announces the studio has teamed up with Refused to bring Cyberpunk's iconic chrome rock music band SAMURAI to...