The dystopian adventure from Fictiorama Studios arrives on Nintendo Switch combining visuals from the PC version and the control system...
Dead Synchronicity
Madrid, Spain - After announcing the development of Dead Synchronicity for Nintendo Switch last month, Badland Games confirms that one of the best adventures of...
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today, an unsettling point-and-click adventure game developed by Fictiorama Studios, is now available on PlayStation 4...
Published by BadLand Games and developed by Fictiorama Studios, Dead Synchronicity is an unsettling point-and-click adventure that hits PlayStation 4...
Hamburg, August 20th, 2015 - Today, Daedalic Entertainment and Fictiorama Studios release Dead Synchronicity for iPad. In the dystopian post-apocalyptic adventure,...
Recently, Daedalic Entertainment presented their upcoming portfolio during "Daedalic Days" in Hamburg. This included overviews of the recently announced AER, a...
Hamburg, Germany/ Madrid, Spain; October 23rd, 2014 – Daedalic Entertainment and Fictiorama Studios are pleased to announce a publishing deal for “Dead...