Feral Interactive today announced that Life is Strange 2, the next installment in the much loved narrative adventure series, is...
Feral Interactive
Feral Interactive today announced that Life is Strange: Before the Storm, a highly successful, award-winning narrative adventure game, will be...
Ridgewood - Kalypso Media and Feral Interactive are thrilled to announce that Tropico, the strategic city builder and humorous dictator sim,...
Feral Interactive has announced that A Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA, an epic historical strategy game, is out now on macOS....
Feral Interactive announced today that Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration, the definitive edition of the acclaimed action-adventure, will...
Feral Interactive today announced that A Total War Saga: THRONES OF BRITANNIA, an epic historical strategy game, will be released for macOS...
Feral Interactive today announced that action RPG Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is coming to macOS on December 12th, augmented with Metal 2,...
Feral Interactive announced today that DiRT Rally, the acclaimed rally simulation game, will be released for macOS via Steam on November...