Jaws of Extinction, developed by KYE Creations and published by Forthright Entertainment, delves into Early Access after being in the...
Forthright Entertainment
Forthright Entertainment today announced that it has published the 2.0 release for its open-world survival-horror game, Jaws of Extinction, onto...
New fighting games come and go, with many failing to live up to the larger titles. Why play the new...
Take on the Abyssal Ocean in the FREE dreadnought-sized Gauntlet update that adds both solo and co-op game modes to...
Ahoy Matey! Sail the treacherous seas and take out enemy ships in Maelstrom, developed by Gunpowder Games, Inc., and published...
Forthright Entertainment and Gunpowder Games lay out their vision for the fast-paced multiplayer maritime combat game of leviathans, warships &...