Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, a thrilling 4v1 haunt-or-hunt game developed by IllFonic, a leader in asymmetrical multiplayer, is happy to reveal...
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed
IllFonic is thrilled to announce the promotion of Shannon Gerritzen former Vice President of Marketing and Communications to Head of Publishing. Gerritzen's...
Check out the Ghost Busters: Spirits Unleashed Ghost Type DLC Review for PS5: For more information, please visit and follow...
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, is a 4v1 action-packed video game that launched on Tuesday, October 18, (Check out our PS5 review!)...
Illfonic proudly announces that Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, a 4v1 hunt or haunt action-packed video game, launches today. Rated E for...
As a lifelong Ghostbusters fan, I’m pretty excited to be able to review a new game from the franchise, not...