John Wick is a franchise that has captivated the hearts of many across the globe. People have become incredibly enamored...
Good Shepherd Keanu Reeves, one of E3 2019's most talked about either for appearance in Cyberpunk 2077, surprise appearance in the...
Become the Legendary Hitman in the New Fast-paced Action Strategy Game Coming to Consoles, Windows PC and Mac AMSTERDAM and...
Phantom Doctrine is a game about managing a team of spies and their equipment while trying to unravel a global...
Phantom Doctrine by developer CreativeForge Games and publisher Good Shepherd Entertainment is a turn-based strategy game with a focus on spies....
AMSTERDAM – Good Shepherd Entertainment has revealed it will launch indie developer ThirtyThree’s hyperkinetic side-scrolling action platformer, ATOMIK: RunGunJumpGun, for...
Phantom Doctrine is a turn-based tactical game from CreativeForge Games. They are a Warsaw-based game development studio founded in 2011....
The hearts and minds behind Hard West return with their most ambitious game yet, coming next year to consoles and Windows PC...