The limited-scale Chinese Closed Beta Test for Hotta Studio's supernatural urban open-world role-playing game, Neverness to Everness, officially began on...
Hotta Studio
Publisher Level Infinite and developer Hotta Studio revealed today that on March 28, the popular free-to-play open-world massively multiplayer role-playing...
Today, publisher Level Infinite and developer Hotta Studio announced its latest simulacrum, Asuka Shikinami Langley, is now available in Tower...
Publisher Level Infinite and developer Hotta Studio have confirmed that the highly anticipated collaboration with EVANGELION will be coming to...
Today, publisher Level Infinite and developer Hotta Studio confirmed that the highly anticipated collaboration with EVANGELION will be coming to...
Today, publisher Level Infinite and developer Hotta Studio announced details for the upcoming 2.3 Update, Wandering Amidst Miasma, launching on...
Tower of Fantasy is an action-adventure MMORPG developed by Level Infinite and is available for PC, the Apple App Store,...