Felix the Reaper shines as a delightful comedy puzzle game that makes death quite romantic. Having been ported to a...
Kong Orange
Yours is a love tale that would rival Romeo’s and Juliet’s. Bound to each other as if some supernatural force...
https://youtu.be/c64Hvpmzn1Y Publisher Daedalic Entertainment and independent developer Kong Orange have released a new behind-the-scenes video for the upcoming dance-tastic puzzle...
https://youtu.be/mWafChFYs8U ‘Most Original Game’ nominee at gamescom 2019 announced as part of Xbox Game Pass at launch during Inside Xbox...
Play the murderous romcom puzzle adventure game at MAG 2018 Hamburg - Felix The Reaper, the musical, romantic comedy 3D...
In a press release sent to Gaming Cypher, developer Kong Orange announced that interactive graphic novel Heartbeats is now out...