After much hype and anticipation from its community, Kabam is thrilled to announce that Thor – proud warrior of the Thor Corps...
MARVEL Realm of Champions Mobile gamers can suit up and become their own Marvel Champion very soon! Kabam, has announced the worldwide launch date... Kabam unveiled the first-ever gameplay trailer (seen above) for the upcoming real-time multiplayer mobile ARPG, MARVEL Realm of Champions,...
A powerful nation is only as strong as its citizens...are you fit enough to survive under those ideals? The choice...
Kabam has issued new details for the upcoming real-time mobile action RPG, MARVEL Realm of Champions, and this month’s featured House...
Today, Kabam revealed new details on the KINGDOM OF WAKANDA, one of the Marvel-inspired factions known as Houses in their upcoming real-time mobile... Kabam has revealed new information for MARVEL Realm of Champions’ featured Houses – the Temple of Vishanti. CAPITAL: Kamar-TajBARON TITLE: The... Today, Kabam revealed new details on one of MARVEL Realm of Champions’ Houses, the Patriot Garrison. CAPITAL: TriskelionBARON TITLE: PresidentHIGHEST ELEVATION: 5,725 feet BRIEF HISTORY This...