The First Title Published Under Natsume's Indie Program Will Launch Simultaneously in North America, Europe, and Japan Burlingame, CA. –...
Natsume Inc.
The Fast-Paced Farming Frenzy is Coming to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 this Fall Burlingame, CA. – Natsume Inc., a...
Festivities Include Deals, A Free Upgrade, PopSockets, and More! Burlingame, CA. – Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of...
Unlock New Characters, Events, and Requests on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch! Burlingame, CA. – Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer...
The Special Edition Includes Co-Op Play, A New Marriageable Candidate, and More! Burlingame, CA. – Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer...
Harvest Moon Chocolate Cow Plush Included with Pre-Order! Burlingame, CA. – Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of family-oriented...
Natsume and Rising Star Games To Bring The Classic Farm/Life Simulator To Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 in North America...
Today's Release of First Ever Harvest Moon App for Kids Continues Celebration of Harvest Moon's 20th Anniversary LOS ANGELES, CA...