Lille, France — The Last Spell, the turn-based tactical RPG with roguelite elements from CCCP where hardened heroes defend humanity’s final...
Nintendo Switch
Premise: DC Universe Online by Daybreak Games is a free-to-play RPG, where you can choose to be a hero or... EDISON, NEW JERSEY – For the first time, ruthless bullet hell dungeon crawler, Enter the Gungeon,dodge rolls into North...
The Forbidden Arts is an indie fantasy-platformer done right. Explore with Phoenix, the voiceless protagonist, across enchanted landscapes in search...
SEGA has today revealed its line-up for gamescom 2019, where visitors will be treated to a first-hand look at an...
Falmouth, United Kingdom - Quiz Kit, the leading game show extension on Twitch from tech startup Codices, helped En Masse Entertainment...
Warsaw – SONKA announced that Astro Bears fans across the universe have the opportunity to design their very own Astro... The war between Heaven and Hell is already menacing Earth. Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the second...