Alan Wake Remastered is a third-person survival/action game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Epic Games. The game follows...
Nintendo Switch
The Bayonetta 3 game, which is the latest installment in the action-filled series, launches today for the Nintendo Switch family of systems. With...
Courtesy of Business Wire This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content: Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch Bayonetta 3 –...
Aksys Games announced today that Paradigm Paradox is available now for Nintendo Switch. The year is 25XX and humans live in...
This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content: Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope –...
Today, developer Remedy Entertainment and publisher Epic Games announced the release of Alan Wake Remastered for the Nintendo Switch. The...
Even though I am not a huge fan of NASCAR or any of the other race car leagues around the...
Independent developer Midjiwan AB has announced that its turn-based 4x strategy sensation, The Battle of Polytopia, is now available on...