Old School RuneScape's Summer Summit premiered this past weekend, revealing the return of two fan-favorite limited events, the announcement of a lock-in...
Launching today in Old School RuneScape, Forestry is a new skill expansion that builds upon the Woodcutting skill, bringing a more social...
Today, RuneScape has announced that its Fresh Start Worlds in-game event will begin on September 12 to celebrate surpassing 300...
Old School RuneScape just became even more competitive with the launch of Group Ironman, an all-new co-op mode, available to...
Twenty years ago today, gamers first arrived in a whole new online world of medieval fantasy as RuneScape, the iconic multiplayer living...
16 years since its introduction, the Myreque storyline continues with the 'Sins of the Father' quest and brings players face-to-face...
Part of the #PlayApartTogether initiative, 'Tata Sleepy' won first place, securing fantastic prizes and unlocking a £25,000 donation to Jagex's partner...
The top three Slayer Masters are Konar, Nieve/Steve, and Duradel. All of them have their inherent pros and cons, so...