Finn, everyone's fan favorite stormtrooper-turned-hero, is coming soon to Star Wars Battlefront II. See him and The First Order's Captain...
Star Wars Battlefront II is a game that EA wants players to play for years to come. The team is continuously...
Jump into Epic Multiplayer Battle Fantasies, Pilot a Starfighter in Intense Space Dogfights, and Experience a New, Untold Story in...
It’s one side or the other, light vs dark. Align with the First Order or choose to fight for the...
EA DICE made changes to crates and progression based on player’s feedback. The Star Wars Battlefront II beta gave the developers a...
Ignite the inferno and burn the Rebellion to the ground in Star Wars Battlefront II's single-player campaign. Take on the...
Make all your Star Wars fantasies come to life in Star Wars Battlefront II! Check out the new “This is Star Wars Battlefront II...
Ready to jump into the cockpit of a speedy TIE Interceptor or nimble A-wing? In Star Wars Battlefront II’s new Starfighter Assault...