In-game collaboration with Capcom’s legendary survival horror franchise expands with new character skins in one of the world’s most popular...
PS4 Exclusive Content Arriving with Upcoming Launch Patch to Enhance Mischievous Multiplayer Mania BUCHAREST, ROMANIA – Fiercely independent game developer,... LOS ANGELES, CA – Square Enix, Eidos-Montréal, and Crystal Dynamics are excited to announce The Serpent’s Heart, the newest... Protect the Assassin's Legacy in Bloodline, the Final Episode of Legacy of the First Blade, Available Now SAN FRANCISCO... Today, Ubisoft has released Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 launch trailer. Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 releases worldwide on March 15,...
Rockstar Games is happy to announce that following last week's round of major updates to the Red Dead Online Beta, which... Players will Determine Their Fate Today on PlayStation 4 System and STEAM LOS ANGELES - LEFT ALIVE, the survival...
Think your roommates are bad? Try living with some cosmic problems! Brasilia — Behold Studios, the stellar crew who brought...