Just yesterday, Infinity Ward's Call of Duty: Ghosts Title Update became available across all platforms. Today, the developer will begin...
DICE's Battlefield 4: Second Assault PS4 trophies list has appeared online, suggesting that the expansion release date might not be...
Infinity Wards' Call of Duty: Ghosts title Update is now live for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and...
Developer Arc System Works has announced that Guilty Gear will return to arcades with Guilty Gear Xrd Sign this Spring....
Square Enix insists that Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition’s assets, textures, character models as well as other features are identical...
Following the new batch of Destiny's screenshots released last week, developer Bungie has posted two new pieces of Destiny artwork on...
The Order: 1886 received four new screenshots that were posted on Sony Santa Monica’s recently launched website. You can view the latest...
Developer Red Barrels has received the official PS4 trophies list for its horror survivalist game, Outlast, which will launch on...