Capcom today aired another information-packed Resident Evil Showcase program including new information on the upcoming highly anticipated survivor horror title Resident...
Resident Evil
Capcom’s genre-defining survival horror franchise reaches a monumental milestone today with the 25th anniversary of Resident Evil. Over the years, the popular... Today, GungHo Entertainment Online welcomes the newest Hero, Resident Evil's Ada Wong, to TEPPEN in the latest expansion, "A... GungHo Online Entertainment has announced today that the "Beautiful Spy," aka Ada Wong from the Resident Evil Series, will be...
TOM CLANCY’S THE DIVISION 2 Celebrates RESIDENT EVIL’s 25-Year Anniversary with Themed Apparel Event Today, Tom Clancy's The Division 2 announced an Apparel Event beginning February 2 where agents can unlock caches featuring iconic...
Guangzhou, China - August 21, 2020 - The well-received doomsday survival game, LifeAfter (iOS/Android), developed by NetEase Games, one of...
Today Capcom announced two additional Masterminds joining the roster for Resident Evil Resistance, the upcoming 4 versus 1 asymmetrical survival horror... Today at Tokyo Game Show (TGS), Capcom unveiled a new type of survival horror set in the Resident Evil universe, Project Resistance (working...