A new gameplay video showcasing the fast-paced close quarters combat from Umbrella Corps has been released by Capcom. Two squads from...
Resident Evil
Mercenary Squads Battle in Fast-Paced Online Matches Set in the Iconic Resident Evil Universe TOKYO — Sept. 15, 2015 — At...
Capcom has anounced the origins of the Resident Evil series in this HD remaster of the 2002 survival horror classic, Resident Evil...
Capcom has released a new Episode 3 Judgement trailer for Resident Evil Revelations 2. This video contains SPOILERS for those of you who haven't played...
LOS ANGELES (Feb. 25, 2015) – Square Enix today announced its popular zombie card battle role-playing game (RPG), DEADMAN’S CROSS , will feature the...
Capcom's Resident Evil Remaster is now available for pre-order on Xbox One. The game is in HD and here is the description:...
Capcom has released a new trailer for Resident Evil: Revelations 2. Take a look below: Resident Evil Revelations 2 will release February...
Last week, Capcom announced that it would release an updated version of the 2002 Gamecube remake of the first Resident...