Respawn Continues to Innovate the Shooter Genre by Adding a Captivating Single Player Campaign and Deeper Multiplayer to the Award-Winning...
Respawn Entertainment
Pilot and Titan unite as never before in Respawn Entertainment’s highly anticipated Titanfall 2. Featuring a crafted single player campaign...
It appears that Titanfall 2 will be releasing most likely between late 2016 and early 2017. Respawn Entertainment's EVP Blake Jorgensen...
Developer Respawn Entertainment has released a new gameplay updates and features trailer for Titanfall. Take a look at the new video below:...
Developer Respawn Entertainment has released a new gameplay trailer for the Titanfall’s IMC Rising DLC. Take a look at the new video below: Titanfall...
Developer Respawn Entertainment has revealed new details for the Titanfall’s IMC Rising Zone 18 map. The following is taken directly from the official...
Developer Respawn Entertainment has released new screenshots for the Backwater Map in Titanfall's IMC Rising DLC. Take a look at the new...
Developer Respawn Entertainment has announced that the Titanfall game Update 6 will be available today. Here are the Update 6 notes: NEW...