Following Nintendo's lowered financial and sales projections, the firm shares have recovered. This follows Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's press conference about...
Satoru Iwata
Following Nintendo's release of lowered financials and sales projections, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata insists that taking Mario to smartphones is...
Even though the 3DS has been thriving and the Wii U had its strongest month to date, things are...
NintendoLife has reported that according to a Nikkei report, the following message has been stated by Nintendo president, Satoru Iwata: Iwata was...
In a speech at the B Dash Camp startup conference in Osaka, Nintendo's President, Satoru Iwata, stated that copying the...
Nikkei reported that Nintendo's former President, Hiroshi Yamauchi, has died today at the age of 85. Yamauchi joined Nintendo in...
Nintendo's President, Satoru Iwata, said that he recognizes that Wii U’s lack of software is a key issue in the...
Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo, recently released a statement explaining how Nintendo is working on some brand news types of...