Another video has been released for Respawn Entertainment's coveted title, Titanfall. This follows the Titanfall Xbox Achievements that were released...
Respawn Entertainment's much awaited Titanfall has received its Xbox Achievements list. This follows the rumor of Titanfall's 15 Maps,...
In accordance with a Reddit user who spilled information to Gematsu, claiming that he has a really reliable source, Titanfall...
Respawn Entertainment just received a new countdown website for the much anticipated Titanfall. You can go right here and see the...
Titanfall has released a screenshot of its early concept art, which helped shape the game. You can view the official...
Major Nelson of Xbox just revealed the Xbox One Titanfall Special Edition Bundle. The bundle will become available upon Titanfall's release,...
Xbox Social Marketing Manager, Graeme Boyd, tweeted about the Forza 5 Titantfall Controller Skin. You can view the Forza 5...
Earlier today, the 50 Titanfall Burn Cards were revealed. Just now, Respawn Entertainment has released a new pre-launch video titled...