Braveland Trilogy, developed by Tortuga Team and published by Ellada games, is a new, exciting, RPG strategy game. The game...
Tortuga Team
Spaceland is self-described by the Tortuga Team as “perhaps the most dynamic turn-based shooter in the spirit of XCOM.” In...
Spaceland, now available for Xbox One (check out our review!) and PlayStation 4, is the latest creation from Tortuga Team,...
Spaceland, developed by Tortuga Team and published by Ellada Games, is a dynamic strategy game. It follows the old school... Ellada Games has announced that Spaceland - the latest creation from Tortuga Team, the developers behind the successful multiplatform...
Suit Up for Xeno-stomping Action in this Classically Inspired but Thoroughly Modernized Sci-Fi Exploration and Tactics Game where the Battles...
If it's an adventure you crave - then it's an adventure you'll get — Braveland Trilogy is now available on...
Play as wizards, warriors, and pirates in the upcoming turn-based adventure/tactical RPG collection Craving adventure? Yearning for exciting turn-based battles?...