Microsoft's Xbox Entertainment Studios is currently developing Street Dreams, which is a TV series that revolves around the life of...
Xbox One
New DLC Tunes were released by Ubisoft for Just Dance 2014, just in time for Valentine's Day. The new...
The Titanfall Beta registration opened up yesterday, and now developer Respawn Entertainment released a new Beta video. You can view...
Respawn Entertainment just announced that they have opened up their Titanfall Beta registration. You can register for the Beta right...
CapCom has released the second batch of DLC, Fallen Angel, for Dead Rising 3. Fallen Angel ($9.99) is the second...
The Xbox Wire detailed the Xbox One updates, starting with today's, February 11 update. The following details today's Xbox...
Square Enix and Eidos Montreal have released a new video for Thief, titled 'Stories from the City.' You can view the...
Late last year, Watch Dogs developer, Ubisoft released a statement about the game's delay across all platforms. Today, Nintendo...