Takoway is a unique puzzle game developed by Hexagoon Studios and published by Daylight Studios. The game requires you to switch between two perspectives by moving the screen in order to solve most of the puzzles. The characters in this game are honestly so adorable.

As far as the storyline goes, Takoway follows the story of Tako, a six-legged octopus also known as a hexapus, and her journey to escape the lab she’s been held captive at. The game includes cutscenes of Tako’s journey, which I thought was a nice touch. You can even replay the scenes on the title page in case you wanted to experience the adorableness again, which I would not blame you if you do.

The objective of the game is to find a way for Tako to reach the portal at the end in order to move on to the next chapter. On her way to the exit, Tako meets several other sea creatures that are trapped in the lab. Usually after each chapter, Tako meets someone new and each of them have different abilities that can be used to help Tako reach the end. There’s a chance to work with a salamander, a sea snail, and sea cucumbers.

There’s a cutscene for each chapter and in the middle so going off the menu, there are 6 chapters currently. Each level/stage has a goal number of steps but if you overstep it, you can still pass the stage. However, if you step less than or equal to the goal steps, then you get an adorable star on the top right corner of the level file. There are also achievements that can be found on the title page. Most of them are given to you when you complete all the levels in a certain chapter but there are some hidden ones as well!

One thing that I liked about Takoway is the layout of the game and the menus. As seen above, the scene selection menu resembles a lab folder with tabs and the like which fits in well with the theme of the game because Tako and her companions are trapped in a lab.
As for my rating, I would give Takoway an 8/10. The art style and cutscenes are all really nice and I think it has a really unique concept, especially being able to play around with perspectives, but I didn’t really feel all that excited playing the game. Also, I was a bit surprised seeing Tako after the first introduction cutscene. I thought the design of Tako on the puzzle platform was interesting. She looks so cute and adorable in the cutscenes but at certain angles during the actual gameplay (on the platform), she appears a little off.. At certain angles, she kind of resembles a cross between a spider and a frog.
But one other thing that I really appreciated was the fact that the developers translated the game into many different languages from Spanish to Chinese to Vietnamese and much more.
Check Out the Takoway Trailer:
Takoway is currently available for $2.99 in the App Store and Google Play.
iOS Review
I'm a sophomore studying Computer Science at the University of Michigan. I'm really interested in how technology can impact lives through game development. One of the things that I really like about gaming is that, not only is it fun and relaxing, but there are so many ideas you can incorporate into games and their storylines such as meaningful lessons/messages.
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