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Terraforming Earth Heading to Steam Early Access Jan. 30

Terraforming Earth, the innovative side-scrolling roguelite puzzle platformer set in a future where humankind is extinct, will be released for Windows PC and Mac via Steam Early Access on January 30.

Terraforming Earth lets you control three separate robots with different abilities who must work together to solve each procedurally generated level, focusing on problem-solving and planning instead of rote memorization. Terraforming Earth creates unique situations every time you play with an obstacle-based level generator (no predefined rooms!). Even the boss fights and the music are procedurally generated. The game contains solo and local co-op modes.

Even though Terraforming Earth will be launched in Early Access, it should be treated as a full release in terms of polish and functionality. The full version will expand the experience with more obstacles and enemy types.

You can wishlist Terraforming Earth for Windows PC and Mac right now via Steam Early Access. The game will be released on January 30, 2020.

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