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TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

Tesla Force is a rogue-lite top-down shooter game developed and published by 10tons. It is widely considered to be a spiritual successor to Tesla vs Lovecrafta previously published 10tons’ game with a similar premise and gameplay. In this most recent installment, four historical heroes (Nikola Tesla, H.P. Lovecraft, Marie Curie, and Mary Shellyteam up to fight hordes of terrifying, tentacle-like creatures from another dimension to send them back to the cosmic hell that they spawned from. 

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

You first get control of Tesla and Marie Curie, who both have different stats and special abilities. Tesla can temporarily pilot a powerful and handy mech that can quickly cut down large groups of enemies, while Marie Curie can wield two weapons that can be helpful when fighting against elite enemies and bosses. Once you collect enough resources, you’ll be able to unlock H.P. Lovecraft and Mary Shelly, who also come with their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to annihilating monsters. 

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

The gameplay of Tesla Force is separated into three main chapters, which consist of stages with brief missions attached to each one. These missions are limited and consist mostly of repairing towers, closing Aether rifts, and analyzing data. During these missions, you take on endless spawns of different monsters while using unique weaponry,  temporary  power-ups/perks, health boosts, and crystals that are scattered around the map to defend yourself until the objective is complete. After a successful mission, you will be awarded weapon, perk, and ability upgrades that make things easier along the way. When you complete enough missions, you’ll face the final boss of the chapter, which can be challenging if you haven’t picked up enough of these upgrades. 

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

Another thing to be aware of is that death results in restarting the entire chapter. You’ll be sent back to your home base where you can use the resources you collected out in the field to buy permanent upgrades and weapons. You can also switch your character from here as well if Tesla or Marie Curie isn’t doing you any favors. This will help when strategizing a second attempt as you continue improving your characters until their ready to take on the bosses. While restarting a chapter can be annoying, it’s comforting to know that the stages themselves are short and simple most of the time. 

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

The gameplay is addicting at first as using the various weaponry and abilities at your disposal is extremely satisfying. The electric Tesla-style weaponry along with being able to feel like an unstoppable force of nature in the mech kept me going for those first few hours. Unfortunately, that invigorating feeling quickly lost its luster after a while when the missions became too monotonous. Once you’ve done one type of mission, prepare to do it again over and over. It’s hard to get invested in the gameplay when a key element of it becomes very tiresome. While having the option for co-op and four different characters is a smart choice to keep things interestingit doesn’t help fix the dullness in Tesla Force’s gameplay. This is considered a game where you shouldn’t play for long periods of time and only in short sessions. It’s that reason why having this game on Switch is preferable since you can quickly jump in and enjoy it for a while at any time. 

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

Tesla Force on Switch runs smoothly and the colorful effects stood out, making blasting an enemy satisfying for two reasons. The area maps themselves were a bit repetitive at times but gave a lot of room strategize combat as you’re teleporting around hordes of monsters to survive. While the art-style had its charm, there were moments when the enemies seemed like they were blending into the visually bland environments. 

TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

While the gameplay itself isn’t very innovative and can be fatiguing at times, Telsa Force still provides a very enjoyable experience while also utilizing a fascinating concept. For those of you who are fans of top-down twin-stick shooters, it’s worth downloading on your Switch just to try it out. 


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TESLA FORCE Review for Nintendo Switch

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