Gaming Cypher

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Tesla vs Lovecraft For Science! DLC Launching on Consoles Tomorrow, April 18

Tesla vs Lovecraft For Science! DLC Launching on Consoles Tomorrow, April 18

Developer 10tons has announced that the Tesla vs. Lovecraft For Science! DLC will be available tomorrow, April 18th. You can find the DLC on the digital stores for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch for USD/EUR 4.99.

The For Science! DLC Includes:

  • New Weapons – such as Laser Pistol and Teslazi
  • New Monsters – Cultists and Mi-Go
  • New Perks – including Backfire and Gifted
  • New Powerups – Super Star and Frozen Bullets
  • New Abilities – Mines and Homing Pigeons

The PC version was released a few months before. The mobile version will follow a bit later and the SIEE version of PS4 will arrive April 23rd. The For Science! DLC is already available for PC, Mac, and Linux via Steam.

Check Out the Tesla vs Lovecraft: For Science! DLC Trailer:

Tesla vs Lovecraft is an arena shooter inspired by the namesakes. Play as the enigmatic inventor Tesla who is the last bastion of reason against the never-ending waves of madness. Harness the static energy to power up your Tesla-Mech and give the Lovecraftian nightmares a lesson in horror!

Related: Tesla Vs Lovecraft Announces For Science! DLC

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I have always enjoyed playing video games and am a programming team lead for a video game company. I co-founded Gaming Cypher because I enjoy the gaming community and would like to provide the best news service around. Feel free to ask me any questions and I will make sure to get back to you quickly.

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