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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics New Trailer Features Jobs & Equipment

En Masse Entertainment has released the next video in their “Peer into the Crystal” series for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics, its upcoming tactical strategy game based on the Netflix Original Series. This entry covers unit customization and progression, and details a comprehensive Job system that allows players to select both primary and secondary Jobs that grant units new abilities, as well as the variety of weapons and equipment that can be unlocked for each character to further empower them.

Developed by BonusXP and published in North America and Europe by En Masse Entertainment, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics will launch February 4, 2020 for Nintendo Switch, the PlayStation 4 entertainment system, Xbox One family of devices including the Xbox One X, and will be available on PC/Mac via Steam,, and the En Masse Launcher.

Related: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics New Strategy RPG Revealed by En Masse Entertainment

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