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THE OUTER WORLDS Review for PlayStation 4

THE OUTER WORLDS Review for PlayStation 4

If you enjoy playing role playing games like Fallout and Mass Effect, then you should definitely not miss The Outer Worlds, launching tomorrow, October 25, 2019, for PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One, with Nintendo Switch to be released later. The Outer Worlds is developed by Obsidian Entertainment and published by Private Division.

The Outer Worlds looks like one of the Fallout games, but in space. It has been a surprise release of the year, because I had not expected the game to be so immersive for myself. The Outer Worlds started off with a little bit of introduction about the player’s background that is being brought back from Hibernation on a ship called Hope. After the initial cutscene, we get to find out that our pod crash lands on top of a person that turns out to be Captain of a ship named Unreliable… And then we get to take control of the ship.

THE OUTER WORLDS Review for PlayStation 4

The thing that makes The Outer Worlds unique is the amount of customization that players can do on the character, such as stats and perks (abilities). Stats do not just include strength, agility, and intelligence, but also some detailed skills like engineering, leadership, dialogues, defense, as well as subskills that are helpful throughout the game.

The Outer Worlds has many ways that you can play the game such as full combat mode, stealth mode, and persuasion through dialogue skills. The Outer Worlds is normal at first looks, but the complexity of design based on the decision making and consequences is amazing. Maybe on the first play through you may get to some quests and unlock certain locations and planets based on the initial decision, but on the second play through, going through different decisions can turn out to be a lot more different gameplay wise. Each decision you take has a deep consequence throughout the story. The Outer Worlds has a great amount of content to play through and provides different landscapes and difficulties. Each quest has multiple different ways that you could complete.

THE OUTER WORLDS Review for PlayStation 4

Sometimes if you are saving someone, the decision can turn other NPCs against you. If you decide to save a colony at the first few hours, you are given choices to destroy the whole colony. The travel system is like Mass Effect and not to forget the companions that helps you throughout the objectives. You could be a Hero/Savior or a Villain in your own story.

The Outer Worlds doesn’t just have player customization, but also provides the weapon and armor customization; there are 3 different types of ammo and multiple different types of weapons available to play the way you want to. For example, some of the weapons, like Science-based weapons, are very powerful and funny. Combat sometimes feels funny as well because of the way the enemies move around. Combat is not too tough, however, and fast travel availability in the same region is a great way to move around the location. Loot is amazing if you improve your persuasion and hacking based skills.

THE OUTER WORLDS Review for PlayStation 4

The graphics look similar to Fallout and the different terrains were amazing, that goes completely in hand with the story itself. I was surprised that the Earth Colonists settled down in a different solar system, without any kind of interference of aliens. The only enemies are automechanicals and different factions that could turn against you.

Overall, I would say that The Outer Worlds is one of the best RPG entries of the 2019 and something creative and different in terms of Story progression and Quest mechanics. In addition, character progression with weapons customization gives the game a unique experience. I would rate The Outer Worlds 9 out of 10.

Check Out The Outer Worlds Trailer:

The Outer Worlds launches tomorrow, October 25th, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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PlayStation 4 Review
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