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The Talos Principle 2 Demo Impressions for Steam

Introduction/Information about game

The game, The Talos Principle 2, is a game that plans to release on Steam on November 2nd 2023. This game is a first person action adventure puzzle, by developer Croteam and publisher Devolver Digital, solving game where players will solve mind bending challenges made in a philosophical world. While this game has not been released yet, there is a demo available for players to try out the game. This is how I was able to play this game. I truly enjoy puzzle games. They are one of my favorite genres of games. When I played this demo, I enjoyed it very much. I believe that, once The Talos Principle 2 is officially released, this game will be a very fun puzzle solver for many.

The Talos Principle 2 Demo Impressions for Steam


The gameplay for The Talos Principle 2 is simple. All the player needs for basic controls is as follows. Moving, jumping, picking objects up, and occasionally turning different objects on and off. These basic controls, however, are not what will help players play this game. Their brain and puzzle solving skills are absolutely necessary if they wish to play and enjoy this game to the fullest. When starting the game, the player will wake up in the tutorial area where they can explore and get used to their surroundings, as well as to take a look at the very well made world they are in.. As the player continues, the game will start them off with a very simple puzzle. After that, the game will throw the player right into the real puzzles. Some puzzles include jamming blockades and fans with jammers to turn them off. Other puzzles include using fans to reach higher areas. There are even, of course, the simple puzzles of moving boxes to create platforms to reach the other side of another platform. The puzzles I experienced were very fun to solve to say the least. As I progressed, each puzzle increased in difficulty. Each puzzle is very interesting to think about and is very satisfying to solve. One warning about The Talos Principle 2 I have is that the game, itself, can be demanding in terms of computer specs. However, players can optimize their settings for better performance (if the game does not do so automatically like it did for me).

The Talos Principle 2 Demo Impressions for Steam

Final thoughts

Overall, I believe the demo for The Talos Principle 2 is a very well made demo that will truly hook players with its difficult yet satisfyingly fun puzzles. This game was very fun and had very well thought out puzzles for players to enjoy. I believe that if you are the kind of player that loves to solve challenging puzzles, then I recommend playing the demo for this game. I would also recommend playing this game when it comes out. Players who are interested in playing the full version of this game can purchase the game via Steam, PlayStation 5/4, and Xbox Series X/S when it fully launches on November 2, 2023.

Here is the gameplay trailer for The Talos Principle 2:

For more information, visit

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